Calculate the value of g on the surface of moon.
(Mass of moon = 7.35x1022 kg, Radius of moon = 1740 km)

The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon or the value of g on moon is $1.625 m/s^2$.


The formula for the acceleration due to gravity is given by $g=\frac{GM}{{R}^{2}}$


G is the universal gravitational constant, $G=6.674\times {10}^{-11}{m}^{3}k{g}^{-1}{s}^{-2}$

M is the mass of the massive body measured in kg.

R is the radius of the massive body measured in m.

g is the acceleration due to gravity measured in $m/s^2$.


The mass of the moon = $7.35\times {10}^{22}kg$

The radius of the moon = $1740km$ = $1.74\times {10}^{6}m$

Substituting the values in the formula, $g=\frac{GM}{{R}^{2}}$, we get-

$g=\frac{(6.674\times {10}^{-11})\times (7.35\times {10}^{22})}{(1.74\times 10{}^{6}{)}^{2}}$

Thus, on solving we get the value of g on moon,  $g = 1.625 m/s^2$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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