By selling an article for 285₹ a man loses 5 %. For how much should he sell to gain 5 % ?

Given :

The selling price of an article = Rs. 285

Loss incurred = 5%

To find :

We have to find for how much should he sell to gain 5 %.

Solution :

Let the Cost price of the article be CP.

$Loss  percentage = \frac{CP-SP}{CP} \times 100$

$5 CP = (CP-285)\times 100$

$5CP = 100CP-28500$

$(100-5) CP = 28500$

$CP = \frac{28500}{95}$

$CP = 300$

Cost price of the article is Rs. 300.

Let the selling price of the article be Rs. x to get a profit of 5%.


$x = 300 + \frac{5}{100} \times 300$

$x = 300 + 5\times3$

$x = 300+15$

$x = 315$

He should sell the article at Rs. 315 to gain 5%.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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