Bashir bought an article for Rs 1215 and spent Rs 35 on its transportation. At what price should he sell the article to have a gain of 16%?

Given :

 Bashir bought an article for Rs 1215 and spent Rs 35 on its transportation. 

To find :

We have to find the price he should sell the article to have a gain of 16%.

Solution :


Cost price of the article $= Rs. (1215+35) = Rs. 1250$.

Let the selling price be SP.


$SP = CP + Profit$

$SP = 1250+ \frac{16}{100} \times 1250$

      $= 1250+16\times12.5$

     $= 1250+200$

     $= Rs. 1450$.

He should sell the article at Rs. 1450 to have a gain of 16%.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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