The flask-shaped organ A at the centre of a flower is surrounded by a number of little stalks B having swollen tops which lie just inside the ring of petals.
(a) Name A. What are the various parts of A?
(b)Which part of A contains gametes?
(c)Name B. What is the swollen top of B known as?
(d) What does the swollen top of B contain?
(e) Out of A and B, which one is (i) male part, and (ii) female part of the flower?

(a) Carpel (or pistil) is the flask-shaped organ at the centre of the flower.

Different parts of carpel or pistil are stigma, style and ovary.

(b) Ovary is the part of carpel that contains gametes (female gametes, egg cell).

(c) Stamens are the little stalks having swollen tops known as anther. Stamens surround the carpel.

(d) Swollen top of stamens, anther, contains pollen grains.

(e) Out of carpel and stamens, (i) stamen is the male part, and (ii) carpel is the female part of the flower.

[Extra information for reference:

A flower consists of four main parts such as Petals, Carpels, Sepals, and Stamens.]

Updated on: 21-Mar-2023


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