State whether the following statements are true or false:(a) A falling stone also attracts the earth.(b) The force of gravitation between two objects depends on the nature of the medium between them.(c) The weight of an object on the earth is about one-sixth of its weight on the moon.

(a) A falling stone also attracts the earth.

The given statement is true as known that every object in the universe attracts another object.

(b) The force of gravitation between two objects depends on the nature of the medium between them.

The given statement is false as the force of gravitation between two objects never depends on the nature of the medium between them.

(c) The weight of an object on the earth is about one-sixth of its weight on the moon.

The given statement is false because the weight of an object on the earth is about six times its weight on the moon.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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