‘Manufacturing synthetic fibres is actually helping the conservation of forests’. Comment.

In the manufacturing of synthetic fibres, we use only chemical substances and no natural materials, thus, in turn, we conserve forests. If we use natural fibers(cotton, timber, etc), the raw materials for them are derived from plants, which require cutting off lots of trees or hurting animals (as in the case of silk fibre). Hence, one can argue that manufacturing synthetic fibres are actually helping the conservation of forests.

[Extra information: Some fibres are made by human beings and are known as synthetic or man-made fibres. These fibres are artificially prepared using various chemicals based on petroleum. Synthetic fibres are made up of small units of substance that combine to form a large single unit called a polymer. 

Some Advantages of Synthetic Fibres are :

1. Most fabrics made of synthetic fibres do not wrinkle easily.

2. Fabrics made of synthetic fibres are generally more durable, less expensive, and more readily available than those made of natural fibres.

3. Most synthetic fibres can handle heavy loads without breaking.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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