Indicate the type of climate of the following areas:
(a) Jammu and Kashmir: ________________
(b) Kerala: __________________
(c) Rajasthan: __________________
(d) North-east India: ________________________

Correct Answer

(a) Jammu and Kashmir: Moderately hot and wet climate

(b) Kerala: Hot and wet climate

(c) Rajasthan: Hot and dry climate

(d) North-east India: Wet climate


The climate of J&K is moderately hot and wet. The climate of the North East region is wet as it receives rain throughout the year. The climate of Kerala is very hot and wet while being a desert, the climate of Rajasthan is hot and dry.

Climate is the long-term weather pattern of a specific location. It is based on local long-term patterns, such as those related to weather, such as temperature, humidity, and wind.

For instance, Patna has a dry environment. The nights are often cold and windy while the days are typically scorching and dry.

The climate of a place may be predicted more easily because it is the average weather pattern of that location over a long period of time, which is consistent. In contrast, the weather can change every day since it varies over a short period of time, making it harder to anticipate.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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