(i) By the transfer of electrons, illustrate the formation of bond in magnesium chloride and identify the ions present in this compound.

(ii) Ionic compounds are solids. Give reasons.

(iii) With the help of a labeled diagram show the experimental setup of action of steam on a metal.

(i)  Magnesium has Atomic Number = 12. Its electronic configuration is 2,8,2.
Chlorine has Atomic Number = 17. Its electronic configuration is 2,8,7.
The electron-dot structures of magnesium and chloride are given below:
Magnesium Chloride is formed by the transfer of 2 electrons from the outer shell of the magnesium atom to two chlorine atoms.
Hence, the ions present in the compound are (magnesium) Mg2+ and 2Cl- (chloride).

(ii) Ionic compounds are solid because In ionic compounds, very strong forces of attraction exist between positive and negative ions and forms a crystal structure.
(iii) The experimental set up of action of steam on a metal (magnesium) is shown below- 

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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