Give reasons for the following:(i) Gaps are given between sections of rail in a railway track. (Hint. Materials expand on heating)(ii) Coastal areas experience a moderate climate throughout the year.(iii) A solar cooker is painted black on the inside.

Reasons are given for the following phenomenon.

i) Gaps are given between sections of rail on a railway track. 

A gap is left between the adjacent rails on a railway track to provide a space for the iron metal to expand and contract during the summer and winter seasons. If the gap is not left in between them, the rails will bend and cause derailing of the trains.

Metal rails expand on heating in summers and contract on cooling in winters.

ii) Coastal areas experience a moderate climate throughout the year.

Coastal areas have moderate temperatures because the land absorbs and radiates heat much faster than the water in the sea. So, during the day cool air from sea rush towards the land and during night cool air from the land rush towards the sea. So coastal areas do not experience extreme temperatures.

iii)  solar cooker is painted black on the inside.

A solar cooker is an appliance that uses solar energy to cook the food present inside it.  It is painted black from the inside because black color is a good absorbent of light and heat and maximizes the heating efficiency of the cooker.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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