Fill in the blanks.
(a) The presence of specific features that enable a plant or an animal to live in a particular habitat, is called ________.
(b) The habitats of the plants and animals that live on land are called _____ habitats.
(c) The habitats of plants and animals that live in water are called _____ habitats.
(d) Soil, water, and air are the ______ factors of a habitat.
(e) Changes in our surroundings that make us respond to them, are called ______.

Correct Answer:

(a) Adaptation

(b) Terrestrial

(c) Aquatic

(d) Abiotic

(e) Stimuli.


 Adaptation is the physical, behavioral, or physiological characteristic of an organism to survive better in the surrounding environment.

Organisms get adapted to the habitat they live in. This special feature is attributed to the evolution caused by a gene mutation. These mutations aid in survival and reproduction. It is hereditary and passed on from one generation to the next.

For example, camouflage, this physical adaptation helps organisms change the color that blends into their surrounding environment. This gives them protection from predators and increases their chances of survival.

A stimulus is a thing that provokes a response or an activity, or that causes organs or tissues in the body to react in a certain way. Stimuli may come in different formats, including audio, visual, or physical.

The sudden glow of bright lights causes your eyes to shut. This is an example of visual stimuli.

Abiotic components: The abiotic components of the ecosystem (nonliving components) include the physical environment like soil, water, and air along with inorganic substances like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water, and phosphorous.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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