Fill in the blanks.
(a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called _____.
(b) Species found only in a particular area are known as ____.
(c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of _____ changes.

(a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitat is called a wildlife sanctuary.

(b) Species found only in a particular area are known as endemic species.

(c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of climate changes.

Wild Life Sanctuary is a place where an animal habitat is protected from any kind of interference or disturbance.

Capturing, killing, hunting, and poaching of animals are strictly prohibited in these protected areas. The wildlife sanctuary is aimed towards providing a comfortable living to the animals.

Endemic Species are species of those plants and animals which are found in just one particular region and nowhere else in the world.

Examples of Endemic Species: Some examples of endemic species are lemurs of Madagascar and the tortoises of the Galápagos can be found only in that respective location. Kangaroos were originally endemic to Australia and were found nowhere else in the world.

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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