Choose The correct option which answers the following question:
A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching its prey. It is likely to be found in
(i) polar regions
(ii) desserts
(iii) oceans
(iv),/b> tropical rainforests

Correct Answer: (iv) tropical rainforests

A tiger is a carnivore with stripes on its body that moves very fast while catching its prey and is likely to be found in tropical rainforests.

In tropical rain forests, environmental conditions such as hot and humid atmospheres, excessive rainfall, abundant light, and appropriate moisture are responsible for the growth of animals and plants. It brings enormous diversity to the forests.

Tropical rain forests are home to hundreds of plant species because they provide a mild climate, sufficient water, and ample sunlight. To be able to compete for environmental resources, plants must adapt or develop specialized features. Many species in the rainforest have evolved to fill specific habitats and protect themselves from predators.

In the tropical rain forest, among plants, most of the tree leaves are large and dark green in color. This broad lamina helps the plant capture more sunlight for the photosynthetic process.

The branches of the rainforest trees grow at the top part of the trunk to capture more sunlight. The majority of the tree roots spread near the top of the soil to absorb more nutrients, but they do have deep, extended roots to anchor the tree to the ground. As a very small amount of sunlight can reach the floor of the rainforest, trees have adapted to grow at large heights.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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