(a) When ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate, then a salt X is formed and a gas Y is evolved. Name the salt X and gas Y. Describe an activity with the help of a labelled diagram of the apparatus used to prove that the evolved gas is the one which you have named. Also, write the chemical equation of the reaction involved.
(b) Give any two uses of ethanoic acid.

(a) When ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate, a brisk effervescence of carbon dioxide gas (Y) is evolved. The salt (X) formed is sodium ethanoate.
  1. Take a boiling tube and add 0.5gm of sodium hydrogen carbonate to it. To this, add 2 ml of dilute ethanoic acid through a thistle funnel.
  2. You will notice a brisk effervescence of carbon dioxide gas.
  3. Take a test tube containing lime water and pass the carbon dioxide gas through it.
Observation: The lime water turning milky. Carbon dioxide is the only gas that turns lime-water milky.

Conclusion: This activity proves that carbon dioxide gas is evolved when ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate.

Given below is the experimental set up for the above activity:

The chemical equation of the reaction is given below:
$CH_3COOH + NaHCO_3 → CH_3COONa +CO_2 + H_2O$

(b) Two uses of ethanoic acid are given below:
  1. Ethanoic acid is used in the preparation of plastics, dyes, and pharmaceuticals.
  2. Dilute ethanoic acid (vinegar) is used as a food preservative, and as an appetizer in dressing food dishes.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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