(a) What is puberty? Who attains puberty at an earlier age in human beings: male or female (boy or girl)?(b) Mention two functions each of (i) human testes, and (ii) human ovaries?

(a) Puberty is the age at which process of physical changes occurs where male and female attain sexual maturity and are capable of sexual reproduction.
In human beings, females attain puberty at an earlier age than males. 

"[Extra information for reference only]"
Females begin puberty at ages 10–11 and complete puberty at ages 15–17, whereas boys generally begin puberty at ages 11–12 and complete puberty at ages 16–17. It affects boys' and girls' physical changes differently. 

(b) (i) Testes produce male gametes (sperms) and the hormone testosterone which is responsible for secondary sexual changes in males such as deepening of the voice, widening of shoulders, narrowing of hips, upper body muscular build, the appearance of beard and moustaches. 
(ii) Ovaries produce female gametes (ova or egg) and the hormone oestrogen which is responsible for secondary sexual changes in females such as high pitch voice, widening of pelvis and hips, initiation of ovulation and menstruation, enlargement of mammary glands (breasts). 

Updated on: 23-Mar-2023


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