(a) What are longitudinal waves and transverse waves? Explain with the help of labelled diagrams.
(b) Give two examples each of longitudinal waves and transverse waves.

Longitudinal waves: When the particles vibrate in the back and forth in the same direction. these waves are called longitudinal waves. These longitudinal waves can be produced in solids, liquids, and gas.

Transverse waves: When the wave particles vibrate in the perpendicular direction along with the wave propagation, these types of waves are known as transverse waves.

Examples of Longitudinal waves:

(i). Ripples on the surface of the water are longitudinal waves.

(ii). Sound is a longitudinal wave.

Examples of Transverse waves:

(i). When we strike the string of a guitar, the transverse waves are produced.

(ii). Light is also a transverse wave.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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