(a)Give the main points of difference between respiration in plants and respiration in animals.
(b) Describe the exchange of gases which takes place in the leaves of a plant (a) during daytime, and (b) at night.
(c) Which contains more carbon dioxide : exhaled air or inhaled air ? Why ?

(a) The main points of difference between respiration in plants and respiration in animals are given below:

Respiration in PlantsRespiration in Animals
In plants, Respiration is performed by all parts individually.
In Animals, Respiration is performed as a single unit.
A little amount of gases is transported to all parts of the plant during respiration.Respiratory gases are usually transported over long distances.
Respiration occurs at a slow rate.Respiration occurs at a faster rate.

(b) The exchange of gases which takes place in the leaves of a plant

 (i) Photosynthesis occurs during the daytime as a result oxygen is produced.  Some of this oxygen is used by leaves for respiration and the rest diffuses out into the air.

Carbon dioxide produced by respiration is also used up in photosynthesis by leaves. Even more carbon dioxide is taken in from the air for Photosynthesis. Thus, the net gas exchange in leaves during daytime is: Oxygen diffuses out; Carbon dioxide diffuses in.

(ii) At night time, photosynthesis does not occur and hence no oxygen is produced. Oxygen diffuses in leaves, from the air to carry out respiration. Carbon dioxide produced by respiration diffuses out into the air. So, the net gas exchange at night is: Oxygen diffuses in; Carbon dioxide diffuses out.

(c) During respiration, oxygen breaks down glucose, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide in high amounts, hence the exhaled air has a higher proportion of Carbon dioxide present in it.

Updated on: 24-Mar-2023


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