‘Avoid plastics as far as possible’. Comment on this advice.

Plastics must be avoided as far as possible because the materials made of plastics are non-biodegradable. The use of plastics has a bad effect on the environment.

When the plastics are burnt, it releases a lot of poisonous fumes into the atmosphere causing air pollution. These plastic materials when eaten up by the animals (like cows) choke their respiratory system leading to the death of these animals. The waste plastic articles thrown here and there carelessly get into dirty water drains and sewers, and block them. Hence, plastics can be considered a threat to our environment.

[Extra information: As plastics are not degraded easily, they can remain for a long period of time. Plastic pollution on land poses a threat to plants and animals – including humans who are based on the land. Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, which can then seep into groundwater or other surrounding water sources and also the ecosystem of the world.]

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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