Average of 12 numbers is 48 average of the first 7 numbers is 60 and the average of last 4 numbers is 22 then the eighth number is____.


Average of 12 numbers is 48 average of the first 4 numbers is 60 and the average of last 7 numbers is 22.
To do:

We have to find the eighth number.
 Let the eighth number be $x$.

Average of 12 numbers$=\frac{Sum\ of\ 12\ numbers}{12}$

$48=\frac{Sum\ of\ 12\ numbers}{12}$

Sum of 12 numbers$=48\times12=576$

Sum of 12 numbers$=$ Sum of first 7 numbers $+$ Eighth number $+$ Sum of last 4 numbers

Average of first 7 numbers$= \frac{Sum\ of\ first\ 7\ numbers}{7}$

$60=\frac{Sum\ of\ first\ 7\ numbers}{7}$

Sum of first 7 numbers $=60\times7=420$.

Average of last 4 numbers$= \frac{Sum\ of\ last\ 4\ numbers}{4}$

$22=\frac{Sum\ of\ last\ 4\ numbers}{4}$

Sum of last 4 numbers $=22\times4=88$.


$576=420+Eighth\ number+88$

Eighth number$=576-508=68$

Therefore, the eighth number is 68.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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