Arun received a gratuity of ₹18,60,750 on his retirement. He bought a car for ₹3,25,000, invested ₹2,70,000 in mutual funds, and deposited the remaining amount in fixed deposit in a bank. How much money did he put in a fixed deposit?

Given :

Total amount received by Arun $=Rs. 18,60,750$.

Amount spent on car $= Rs. 3,25,000$.

Amount invested in mutual funds $= Rs. 2,70,000$.

To do :

We have to find the amount in the fixed deposit.

Solution :

Let the amount deposited in fixed deposit be Rs. x.


$18,60,750 = 3,25,000+2,70,000+x$

$x+5,95,000 = 18,60,750$

$x = 18,60,750 - 5,95,000$

$x = Rs. 12,65,750$

Amount put in fixed deposit is Rs. 12,65,750.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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