Sending crop to sugar factoryIrrigationHarvestingSowing1234
Preparation of soilPloughing the fieldManuring

Arrange the following boxes in proper order to make a flow chart of sugarcane crop production.

Sending crop to sugar factoryIrrigationHarvestingSowing

Preparation of soilPloughing the fieldManuring

The flow chart of sugar cane production is as mentioned below:

(a) Preparation of soil

(b) Ploughing the field

(c) Sowing

(d) Manuring

(e) Irrigation

(f) Harvesting

(e) Sending crops to the sugar factory.


Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is a major cash crop in India. India is the world's largest sugar user and producer, behind Brazil. Sugarcane is an important food-to-cash crop, providing jobs and foreign currencies.

Sugarcane may grow year-round. It grows in warm, humid conditions unless it flowers. Above 50o C it stops growing, below 20o C it slows down, and severe frost kills it. It is best in tropical locations with 750–1200 mm of rain. For ripening, it needs a cold, dry season; yet when rainfall is too heavy and protracted, juice quality is low.

Sugarcane grows best in medium-heavy soils but may also be grown on lighter soils and heavy clays with appropriate irrigation and drainage. In several regions, 120–150 cm of deep clay loams atop disintegrated traprock are employed for this crop. Occasionally.


Good quality cane seed (setts) from a 10-11 month nursery crop is necessary for germination and growth. After chemical treatment, two budded setts were planted. Hot water treatment prevents seed-borne illnesses.


Sugarcane is planted in January-February, July-August, and October-November. Ridges and furrows are spaced 100–120 cm apart. One hectare requires 25,000–30,000 three-eye bud cane setts.


High yields need proper manuring. Apply half to two-thirds of the nitrogen as farmyard manure, compost, green manure, or tree leaves, and the rest as ammonium sulfate or oil-cakes. Sugarcane fertilizer recommendations vary by planting season and plot.


Depending on the duration, soil type, and climate, sugarcane needs 2000 to 2500 mm of water. Irrigating sugarcane germination, tillering, grand growth, and maturity. 15 days before harvest, halt irrigation.

Yield and harvesting

Lower leaves wither as sugarcane matures, leaving fewer green leaves at the top. A mature cane's flesh sparkles in the sunshine when sliced with a sharp knife, unlike an unripe cane's watery surface.

The cooperative's sugarcane harvest begins around November 1 and lasts 150 days. Timed and synchronized sugarcane harvests maximize mill grinding capacity. Farmers harvest and provide sugarcane after obtaining factory-cutting orders. Cutting orders are based on the farmers' and factory's planting records and agreements.

Updated on: 06-Jan-2023


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