Answer the following questions-1. What is threshing? By what mean can threshing be done?2. Explain sedimentation and decantation.3. Difference between evaporation and condensation.4. What is handpicking? Also, explain general uses of it in daily life.5. What do you mean by a saturated solution.

1. Threshing is the process of loosening the edible part of the grain (or other crops) from the chaff to which it is attached. 

It is the step in grain preparation after reaping.

It is the process in which stems of wheat or paddy are beaten to separate grains from the stems and from the chaff that cover the grains. 

Stalks or stems of crop plants and the chaff are soft material whereas the grains themselves are very hard.

2. Sedimentation is the process in which heavier particles of an insoluble solid settle down in a liquid.

Decantation is the process of pouring out the liquid without disturbing the sediment.

Example- sand and water.

3. Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapour. Evaporation is the primary pathway that water moves from the liquid state back into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapour.

Evaporation is used to separate a soluble solid from a liquid.

For example, copper sulphate is soluble in water – its crystals dissolve in water to form the copper sulphate solution. So in order to get back copper sulphate crystals from its solution, we use evaporation.

Condensation- It is the process of changing water vapour into its liquid form on cooling.

In other words, the water in the air is known as water vapour, from your hot shower cooled when it met the surface of the cold mirror. This caused the water vapour to condense, or turn into its liquid form.

4. Hand-Picking is the method in which substances in a mixture can be separated by just picking them out with the help of hand is known as a handpicking method. Some of the substances are easily separated by taking out the impurities using with our bare hands. This method doesn't need any machinery for separating impurities or unwanted substances

Examples- For separating stones from rice, pulses and wheat.

For separating different kinds of vegetables from the mixture of vegetables in the basket. 

5. Saturated Solution is a chemical solution containing the maximum concentration of a solute dissolved in the solvent. ​The additional solute will not dissolve in a saturated solution. If any additional substance is added it will result in a solid precipitate or is let off as a gas.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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