
An archery target has three regions formed by three concentric circles as shown in the figure. If the diameters of the concentric circles are in the ratio 1:2:3, then find the ratio of the areas of three regions."


An archery target has three regions formed by three concentric circles as shown in the figure.

The diameters of the concentric circles are in the ratio 1:2:3.

To do:

We have to find the ratio of the areas of three regions.


Let the diameters of the concentric circles be $k, 2k , 3k$.

This implies,

Radius of the concentric circles are $\frac{k}{2}, k$ and $\frac{3 k}{2}$.

Area of a circle of radius $r=\pi r^2$


Area of inner circle region $=\pi(\frac{k}{2})^{2}$

$=\frac{k^{2} \pi}{4}$

Area of middle region $=\pi(k)^{2}-\frac{k^{2} \pi}{4}$

$=\frac{4 k^{2} \pi-k^{2} \pi}{4}$

$=\frac{3 k^{2} \pi}{4}$

Area of the outer region $=\pi(\frac{3 k}{2})^{2}-\pi k^{2}$

$=\frac{9 \pi k^{2}}{4}-\pi k^{2}$

$=\frac{9 k^{2} \pi-4 k^{2} \pi}{4}$

$=\frac{5 \pi k^{2}}{4}$

The ratio of the three regions $=\frac{k^{2} \pi}{4}: \frac{3 k^{2} \pi}{4}: \frac{5 \pi k^{2}}{4}$

$=1: 3: 5$

The ratio of the areas of three regions is $1:3:5$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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