Algae and fungi are
(a) Autotroph and Parasite
(b) Heterotroph and Saprotroph
(c) Heterotroph and Parasite
(d) Autotroph and Saprotroph

Correct Answer(d) Autotroph and Saprotroph


 Green algae can make their own food through a process of photosynthesis. Thus, nutrition is known as autotrophic nutrition.

Fungi cannot make their food from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide as plants do (by photosynthesis) because they lack the green pigment known as chlorophyll, which plants use to capture light energy.

Saprophytic nutrition is when organisms obtain nutrition from dead and decaying organic matter. Such organisms are called saprotrophs.

Examples of saprotrophs are fungi, bacteria

Updated on: 12-Jan-2023


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