After getting an 8% increase in the salary, Mohan's new salary is ₹ 1,51,200. What was his original salary?

Given :

Percentage increase in Mohan's salary = 8%

Mohan's new salary = 151200 

To find :

We have to find Mohan's original salary.

Solution :

Let Mohan's original salary be $x$

Percentage increase in Mohan's salary = 8%

Mohan's increased salary $=\frac{8}{100} \times x = \frac{8x}{100}$

$Original salary + Increased salary = New salary $

 $x + \frac{8x}{100} = 151200$

$\frac{100x + 8x}{100} = 151200$

$\frac{108 x}{100} = 151200$

$x = \frac{151200 \times 100}{108}$

$x = 1400 \times 100$

$x = 140000$

Mohan's Original salary is 1,40,000₹. 

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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