A vehicle covers a distance of 22.8 km in 2.4 liters of petrol. How much distance will it cover 1 liter of petrol?

Given :

The vehicle covers a distance of 22.8 km in 2.4 L of petrol.

To do :

We have to find the distance covered in 1 liter of petrol.

Solution :

The distance covered in 1 L of petrol $= \frac{22.8}{2.4} km$

                                                  $= \frac{228}{24} km$

                                                 $= \frac{57}{6} km$

                                                $= 9.5 km$.

Therefore, the distance covered in 1 liter of petrol is 9.5 km.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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