A TV and a DVD player were bought for 10000 each. The shopkeeper made a loss of 6% on the DVD player and a profit of 7% on the TV. Find the gain or loss per cent of the shopkeeper on the whole transaction.


A TV and a DVD player were bought for 10000 each.

The shopkeeper made a loss of 6% on the DVD player and a profit of 7% on the TV. 

To do: 

We have to find the gain or loss percent of the shopkeeper on the whole transaction.


Cost price of TV $=Rs.\ 10000$

Profit $ \% = 7 \%$

Selling price of TV $= \frac{100 + profit \%}{100} \times CP$


$= Rs.\ 10700$

Cost price of the DVD player $=Rs.\ 10000$

Loss $ \% = 6 \%$

Selling price of the DVD player $=\frac{100 - loss \%}{100}\times CP$

$= \frac{100-6}{100}\times10000$

$= 9400$


Total cost price $= Rs.\ (10,000 + 10,000) = Rs.\ 20000$

Total selling price $= Rs.\ (10700 + 9400) = Rs.\ 20100$


Total SP $>$ Total CP

So, there is a profit.

Profit $=$ SP $-$ CP

$=20,100 - 20,000$

$= Rs.\ 100$

Profit $ \%= \frac{Profit}{Total\ CP} \times 100$

$= \frac{100}{20000} \times 100$

$= 0.5 \%$

Hence, gain percent is 0.5%.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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