a)The distance from Soni's home to school is 1 km 875 m. What two-way distance is covered in 6 days?
 b)Estimate 28,292 - 2,888

Given: The distance from Soni's home to school is 1 km 875 m

To find: What two-way distance is covered in 6 days


Distance = 1 km 875 m = 1.875 km

Distance covered both ways for 6 days =  $1.875 \times 6 \times 2 = 22.5$ km

Estimate 28,292 $-$ 2,888 using general rule.

Here we estimate to nearest ten

28, 290 $-$ 2,890 = 25,400 Answer

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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