A shopkeeper marks an article which is 60% more than the cp and allows a discount of 25% on it. Find his gain percent


A shopkeeper marks an article which is 60% more than the cp and allows a discount of 25% on it.

To do:

We have to find the total gain percent.


Let the price of the article be $x$.

The price of the article after it is increased by 60%$=x+\frac{60}{100}x$




The price of the article after a discount of 25%$=\frac{8x}{5}-\frac{25}{100}\times\frac{8x}{5}$




Gain $=$ SP $-$ CP




Gain $ \%=\frac{Gain}{CP}\times100 \%$

$=\frac{\frac{x}{5}}{x}\times100 \%$

$=20 \%$

The total gain percent is 20%.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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