A sailor goes 8 km downstream in 40 minutes and returns in 1 hour. Determine the speed of the sailor in still water and the speed of the current.


A sailor goes 8 km downstream in 40 minutes and returns in 1 hour.

To do:

We have to determine the speed of the sailor in still water and the speed of the current.


Let the speed of the sailor in still water be $x$ km/hr and the speed of the current be $y$ km/hr.

This implies,

Speed of the boat downstream$=x+y$ km/hr

Speed of the boat upstream$=x-y$ km/hr

Time taken by the boat to go 8 km downstream$=\frac{8}{x+y}$ hours.

$\frac{8}{x+y}=\frac{40}{60}$    ($1\ hour=60\ minutes$)


$3(8)=2(x+y)$   (On cross multiplication)


Time taken by the boat to go 8 km upstream$=\frac{8}{y-x}$ hours


$1(y-x)=8$   (On cross multiplication)


Adding equations (i) and (ii), we get,





Substituting $y=10$ in equation (i), we get,





The speed of the sailor in still water is $2$ km/hr and the speed of the current is $10$ km/hr.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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