A PT teacher wants to arrange maximum possible number of 6000 students in a Held such that the number of rows is equal to the number of columns. Find the number of rows if 71 were left out after arrangement.


A PT teacher wants to arrange maximum possible number of 6000 students in a Held such that the number of rows is equal to the number of columns. 

To do:

We have to find the number of rows if 71 were left out after arrangement.


Number of students $= 6000$

Number of students left out $= 71$

This implies,

Number of students arranged in the field $= 6000 - 71$


Let the number of rows be $x$.

This implies,

The number of students in each row $=x$


$x \times x=5929$



$x=\sqrt{7 \times 7 \times 11 \times 11}$

$x=7 \times 11$


Therefore, the number of rows is 77.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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