A person spent Rs. 564 in buying pens and pencils if cost of each pen is Rs. 7 and each pencil is Rs. 3 and if the total number of things bought was 108, how many of each type did he buy?


A person spent Rs. 564 in buying pens and pencils.

The cost of each pen is Rs. 7 and each pencil is Rs. 3.

The total number of things bought was 108.

To do:

We have to find the number of pens and pencils bought.


Let the number of pens and pencils be $x$ and $y$ respectively.

This implies,


$\Rightarrow y=108-x$........(i)

Cost of each pen $=Rs.\ 7$

Cost of each pencil $=Rs.\ 3$

According to the question,

$7x + 3y = 564$

$7x+3(108-x)=564$        [From (i)]





$\Rightarrow y=108-60=48$

Number of pens bought is 60 and the number of pencils bought is 48.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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