A particular amount of cash was distributed in the ratio of 3: 7. If the smallest share was rupees 2,100, what was the total amount of cash which was distributed ?

Given :

The amount was distributed in the ratio of 3 : 7.

The smallest share is 2100. 

To find  :

We have to find the total amount.

Solution :

Let the shares of amount be 3x and 7x.

The smallest share,

$3 x = 2100$

$x = \frac{2100}{3}$

$x = 700$

The total amount distributed $= 3 x + 7 x = 10 x$

$ 10 x = 10 (700)  = 7000$

The total amount distributed is 7000.


Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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