A metal which exists as a liquid at room temperature is obtained by heating its sulphide ore in the presence of air.(a) Name the metal and write its chemical symbol.
(b) Write the name and formula of the sulphide ore.
(c) Give the equations of chemical reactions involved in the production of metal from its sulphide ore.
(d) Name a common device in which this metal is used.
(e) Can this metal displace copper from copper sulphate solution? Why?

(a) The metal is Mercury, Hg.

(b) Sulphide ore of mercury is Cinnabar, HgS(mercury II sulphide).

(c) Mercury can be extracted from its sulphide ore by first roasting it in air. The equation is written as:
$2HgS + 3O_2 → 2HgO + 2 SO_2​$
HgO is further heated to 300oC and gets reduced to mercury.
$2HgO→ 2Hg + O_2$

(d) A common device where mercury is used is Thermometer.

(e) No, mercury cannot displace copper from its sulphate solution as it is less reactive than copper.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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