A man sold a bicycle at 5% profit. If the cost had been 30% less and the selling price ₹63 less, he would have made a profit of 30%. What was the cost price of the bicycle ?

To do: Find C.P of bicycle.


Let C.P. of the bicycle = Rs.$100$

In the 1st case :

When Profit = $5% $;

S.P. = Rs. $(100 + 5)$ = Rs. $105$

In the 2nd case:

C.P. = $100 – \frac{30}{100} \times 100$

        = Rs. $100 – 30 = Rs. 70$

Profit = 30%

S.P. = $\frac{100 + Profit}{100} \times$ C.P.

        = $\frac{100 + 30}{100 } \times. 70 = \frac{130}{100} \times  70$

        = Rs. $\frac{130 \times 70}{100} = Rs. 91$

Difference of two selling prices = Rs. $105 -$ Rs. $91$ = Rs. $14$

If difference is Rs. $14$ then C.P. of the bicycle is Rs. $100$

“ Re.1 “  = Rs. $\frac{100}{14}$

Rs. 63  “ = Rs. $\frac{100}{14} \times 63$

                = Rs. $\frac{100 \times 63}{14}$ = Rs. $50 \times 9$

                = Rs. 450

Therefore, the cost price is Rs 450

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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