A hokey team played 25 match in a season it won 20% of them find the number of match lost

Given: Total number of matches played = 25

matches won by them in  the season = 20%

To find: The number of lost matches


Number of Matches won =  20 % of Total number of matches played 

                                              =  $\frac{20}{100} \times 25$

                                             = $\frac{1}{5} \times 25$  

                                             =  $\frac{25}{5}$ 

                                             = 5

Number of Matches won = 5

Number of Matches lose =   Total number of matches played -  Number of Matches won

Number of Matches lose = 25 - 5  = 20

Therefore the number of Matches lost = 20

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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