A Garrison of 120 men has provision for 30 days. At the end of 5 days, five more men joined them. How many days can they sustain on the remaining provision ?

Given : 

Garrison of 120 man has provision for 30 days.

5 more men joined after  days.

To find :

We have to find the number of days the provision last ?

Solution :

Let the number of days the provision would last after the joining of 5 men (after 5 days) be 'y' days 

Remaining provisions sustain for 25 days can be given as

Days 25y

The equation will be:-

$y\times125 = 120\times25$

$125y = 120\times25$

$y = \frac{120 \times 25}{125}$

$y = 24$

So, the remaining provisions for 125 men sustain 24 days.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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