A farmer had a garden and he got only a few plants to make his garden green. Which method of reproduction would help the farmer flourish his garden in the best way. These are some plants:
a) Hibiscus
b) Tulsi
c) Rose
d) Fern
e) Money plant
f) Mango

Following methods should be used for the reproduction and propagation of plants:

a) Hibiscus: This plant can be propagated through the cutting or grafting method.
b) Tulsi: This plant is propagated through seeds. The seeds are sown 2 cm below the soil for germination.
c) Rose: This plant can be propagated through the cutting or grafting method.
d) Fern: These are non-flowering plants so they should be propagated using the sporulation method as they produce spores.
e) Money plant: This plant can be propagated through the cutting of a stem.
f) Mango: The main methods of mango plant propagation are either through seed or grafting.

[Extra information:

Artificial propagation of plants is the man-made technique in which a large number of new plants are cultivated from the mother plant by giving them a suitable environment.

The three common methods of artificial propagation of plants are

cutting, layering and grafting.

Cutting is a method of vegetative propagation where a part of a plant, specifically a stem comprising buds on it is cut from the plant using a sharp knife. This stem is then buried in a suitable medium. After some days, the new plant is formed from the adventitious roots developing from the cutting.


In grafting, two plants of the desired traits are chosen, then the plant that has been chosen as the scion (stem without roots) is cut slantingly, then the stock (stem with roots) is also cut in the same manner from the other plant. After that, the scion is placed over the stock and tightly joined together in such a way with a piece of cloth or using a polythene sheet that it grows as a single plant.]


Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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