A dozen mangoes cost Rs. 255.60. What is the cost of 10 mangoes?

Given :

Cost of 12 Mangoes $=$ Rs. 255.60  (1 dozen $=$ 12 items)

To find :

We have to find the cost of 10 mangoes.

Solution :

Cost of 1 Mango $=$ Cost of 12 mangoes $\div$ Number of mangoes

$=Rs.\ \frac{255.60}{12}$

Cost of 10 Mangoes $= Rs.\ 10 \times \frac{255.60}{12} = Rs.\ \frac{2556}{12}$.

$=Rs.\ 213$

The cost of 10 mangoes is Rs. 213.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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