If a family is chosen

A company selected 2400 families at random and survey them to determine a relationship between income level and the number of vehicles in a home. The information gathered is listed in the table below:

If a family is chosen


A company selected 2400 families at random and survey them to determine a relationship between income level and the number of vehicles in a home.

A family is chosen.

To do:

We have to find the probability that the family is owning at least one vehicle.


Total number of families $=2400$

Number of families owning at least one vehicle $=160 + 305 + 535 + 469 + 579 + 25 + 27 + 29 + 29 + 82+0+2+1+25+88=2356$

We know that,

Probability of an event=$ \frac{Number \ of \ favourable \ outcomes}{Total \ number \ of \ outcomes}$


Probability that the family is owning at least one vehicle $=\frac{2356}{2400}$


The probability the family is owning at least one vehicle is $\frac{589}{600}$.    

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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