A bullet leaves a rifle with a muzzle velocity of $1042\ m/s$. While accelerating through the barrel of the rifle, the bullet moves a distance of $1.680\ m$. Determine the acceleration of the bullet.

Initial velocity of bullet $u=0$

Final velocity of the bullet $v=1042\ m/s$

Distance moved by the bullet $s=1.680\ m$

Let $a$ be the acceleration of the bullet.

Using the equation, $v^2=u^2+2as$

$( 1042)^2=0+2\times 1.680$

Or $1085764=3.36a$

Or $a=\frac{1085764}{3.36}$

Or $a=323144.04\ m/s^2$

Thus, the acceleration of the bullet is $323144.04\ m/s^2$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022

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