A boy travels with a speed of $10\ ms^{-1}$ for $30\ minute$. How much distance does he travel.

As given, speed of the boy $v=10\ ms^{-1}$

Time taken for the walk $t=30\ minute=30\times60=1800\ second$  [$\because 1\ minute=60\ second$]

Therefore, the distance travelled by the boy $s=speed\times time=v\times t$

$=10\ ms^{-1}\times 1800\ s$

$=18000\ m$

$=\frac{18000}{1000}\ km$   [$\because 1000\ m=1\ km$]

$=18\ km$

Thus, the boy travelled $18\ km$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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