5436,194,142,407,4250,26421.All the above numbers have 4 in them. Find the number in which the places are divisible by 8.

Given :

The given numbers are 5436,194,142,407,4250,26421.

To do :

We have to find the numbers in which the place values of 4 are divisible by 8.

Solution :

The numbers in which the place values of 4 are divisible are,

In 5436, place value of 4 is $4 \times 100 = 400$. 400 is divisible by 8.

In 194, the place value of 4 is $4 \times 1 = 4$. 4 is not divisible by 8.

In 142, place value of 4 is $4 \times 10 = 40$. 40 is divisible by 8.

In 407, place value of 4 is $4 \times 100 = 400$. 400 is divisible by 8.

In 4250, place value of 4 is $4 \times 1000 = 4000$. 4000 is divisible by 8.

In 26421, place value of 4 is $4 \times 100 = 400$. 400 is divisible by 8.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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