40% of the passenger from a bus got off at station A, 75% of the remaining got off at station B. If the remaining 12 person were taken to station C, find the original number of passengers

Given: 40% of the passenger from a bus got off at station A, 75% of the remaining got off at station B. If the remaining 12 person were taken to station C.

To do: To find the original number of passengers.


Let total passengers be $P$.

At $X=0.4P$

Therefore, remaining$=0.6X$

$Y=0.75( 0.6P)$


$\Rightarrow 0.4P+0.75(0.6P)+12=P$

$\Rightarrow 0.4P+0.45P+12=P$

$\Rightarrow P=0.85P+12$

$\Rightarrow 0.15P=12$

$\Rightarrow P=\frac{12}{0.15}$

$\Rightarrow P=80$

So, total number of passengers were $80$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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