Overview of Application Delivery Network (ADN)

Today, everyone uses digital devices to access websites and applications on the Internet. This has increased the need for cost-effective networks and better application delivery. To meet this demand, the Application Delivery Network (ADN) concept was developed. ADN reduces the load times. It solves IT problems faster. It ensures secure access to applications with proper visibility and availability.

Application Delivery Network

Application Delivery Network (ADN) is network architecture. It improves delivery of web applications to end users across different locations and devices. It has three components. These are Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs), WAN Optimization Controllers (WOCs) and Application Protection Appliances (ASAs).

ADN makes sure apps are fast, secure, and available. ADNs use various technologies to improve app performance. They may also include load balancing. Sometimes, people call ADNs Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). These terms are similar but have a distinction. CDNs handle static content, while ADNs speed up dynamic content.

How ADN Works

ADN optimizes performance. Web applications get more security and scalability. It can improve performance by storing static content. It also serves to balance traffic and optimize SSL and TLS connections. WOCs reduce latency and improve throughput by optimizing network traffic. ASA protects web applications from security threats, i.e., DoS attacks, malware etc.

Benefits of Using ADN

There are various advantages to using ADN. These are given below −

  • Better Performance − It can improve web application performance. It reduces latency and improves throughput. This can lead to a better user experience. It increased productivity and reduced costs.

  • Security Enhancement − It can protect web applications from security threats, i.e. DoS attacks and malware. So, it prevents data breaches, financial loss and reputation damage.

  • Enhanced Scalability − It can scale web applications to meet the demands of an increasing number of users. So, businesses grow and expand without investing in new infrastructure.

Common Use-Cases for ADN

It is used in different industries. For example e-commerce, online gaming, streaming media, and cloud computing. These are as following below −

  • E-commerce − Online stores give customers a smooth and safe shopping experience. No matter where they are. And, what device they are using. For example, E-commerce websites load faster by storing. It shows product images and descriptions.

  • Online gaming − Game developers and publishers ensure players have fast and consistent gaming experience. It is for multiplayer and real-time games. It can reduce delays and improve speed of online games. So, it is more responsive.

  • Streaming media − Media providers deliver high-quality videos and music without interruptions, lags, and reduced quality. It protects streaming media from security threats like attacks and harmful software.

  • Cloud computing − Cloud service providers offer reliable and scalable cloud applications to customers. For example, it can distribute the traffic evenly across multiple cloud servers. So, it improves performance of cloud applications.

Features of ADN

It has features that help web applications work optimally.

  • Intelligent Traffic Management − It knows how to send requests to the best servers. It looks at things like how much work each server has. How fast it responds. And, if it is healthy. This way. Each request goes to the correct server. So, no server is ever too busy nor too free.

  • Content Acceleration − It is short for requests and responses. It does this by storing and displaying content, compressing it, and combining several things into one. Less data needs to go back and forth between servers and users. It is faster and more efficient.

  • Protocol Customization − It improves the way data moves. It improves protocols such as TCP and HTTP. These are like the rules of data transmission. Data transfer is faster and more reliable. This requires traveling long distances and traveling through busy networks.

  • Application Awareness − It knows many types of applications. For example websites, video and voice. It understands what each application needs to work well. So, it uses the best technologies for each type of application.

Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs)

ADC in ADN performs load balancing and content acceleration functions. It can −

  • Load balance − Distribute requests among servers using algorithms like round robin.

  • Content cache − Store frequently requested content, saving bandwidth and improving response time.

  • Content compress − Reduce content size for faster network transfer.

  • Content consolidate − Combine requests and responses, saving bandwidth and improving speed.

  • SSL offload − Handle SSL encryption, reducing CPU load on origin server.

Types of ADCs

There are different types of ADCs available −

  • Hardware-based ADCs − Physical devices for data centers, reliable but expensive.

  • Software-based ADCs − Software applications on general servers, cost-effective and flexible.

  • Cloud-based ADCs − Services hosted on cloud platforms, scalable but dependent on the provider.

Choose based on your needs, budget, and factors like performance, security, and cost.

WAN Optimization Controllers (WOCs)

WOC is software that performs protocol optimization and bandwidth management functions in an ADN.

  • Bandwidth management − It can monitor and control the amount of bandwidth. It is allocated to different applications, users, and groups. It ensures that the most important applications get the highest priority and quality of service. While the less important applications get the lowest priority and quality of service.

  • Data deduplication − It can eliminate redundant data that is sent over the network. It reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred over the network. It saves bandwidth and improves speed.

  • Protocol optimization − It can modify protocols that are used for data transmission. For example TCP, HTTP, etc. It improves the efficiency and reliability of data transmission, over long distances and congested networks.

Types of WOCs

Different WOC types are available −

  • Hardware-based WOCs − Physical devices in data centers, high performance and reliability.

  • Software-based WOCs − Software applications on servers, low cost and flexibility.

  • Cloud-based WOCs − Services hosted on the cloud, scalable but dependent on the provider.

Select the one based on network conditions, budget, and factors like bandwidth, latency, and cost.

Application Security Appliances (ASAs)

ASA perform the functions of firewall, intrusion prevention system (IPS), web application firewall (WAF), etc. in an ADN. These are various properties as given below.

  • Firewall − It can filter, block unwanted and malicious traffic. It tries to access your web applications. This protects your web applications from unauthorized and harmful access.

  • IPS − It can detect and prevent attacks. These try to exploit vulnerabilities in your web applications. This protects your web applications from being compromised and damaged by attackers.

  • WAF − It can inspect and modify the HTTP traffic. It flows between your web applications and clients. This protects your web applications from common web attacks. For example SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), etc.

Types of ASAs

There are different types of ASAs available −

  • Hardware-based − Physical devices with high performance and reliability, but expensive.

  • Software-based − Software applications on servers, low cost and flexibility.

  • Cloud-based − Services hosted on the cloud, scalable but dependent on the provider.

Choose based on security needs, budget, and factors like threat level and cost.

Difference between ADN and CDN

The following table highlights how Application Delivery Networking (AND) is different from Content Delivery Networking (CDN) −


Application Delivery Networking

Content Delivery Networking


Optimize application performance, availability, and security.

Efficiently deliver web content to end users.


Dynamic content delivery and application performance optimization.

Static content delivery and website performance improvement.


Handles both dynamic and static content.

Primarily focused on static content.


Load balancing, caching, traffic management, security measures, etc.

Caching, edge servers, content replication, etc.

Use Cases

Application acceleration, secure app delivery, traffic management.

Website acceleration, media streaming, file downloads, etc.

Network Design

Optimize application delivery over the network infrastructure.

Optimize content delivery by distributing it across geographically dispersed servers.

Key Benefit

Enhances application performance and security for dynamic content.

Improves content delivery speed, scalability, and user experience for static content.


ADN optimizes web apps for users worldwide on various devices. It has three components: ADCs, WOCs, and ASAs. ADN improves app performance, security, and availability for users. Choose ADN components based on needs: performance, security, scalability, cost. Tips: assess needs, compare components, test performance, monitor regularly, update periodically.

Updated on: 01-Sep-2023


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