Opportunities for Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH)

A recent study conducted by KPMG found that even though 94% of businesses in all industries consider cybercrime to be their primary security concern, 72% of those same businesses have been the target of a cyberattack in the previous year, and 78% of those still don't have a cyber-incident response plan in place. According to Steve Langan, Chief Executive Officer of Hiscox Insurance, cybercrime "cost the global economy over $450 billion in 2016, more than two billion personal records were stolen, and in the United States alone, more than 100 million Americans had stolen their medical records ."

Even Consumers WannaCry

When hackers target business networks, end users, customers, and patients like you and I may be adversely affected. As an illustration, consider the WannaCry ransomware outbreak that occurred in May. Over 200,000 Windows workstations were compromised, providing malware access to corporate network resources and the medical device systems found in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. An infection generated by ransomware won't immediately compromise patient safety. Still, the interruption of services caused by the loss of medical equipment will need redistributing resources, which will slow down care and increase the risk of clinical errors. The WannaCry ransomware assault demonstrates how easily vulnerabilities can impact customers in critical infrastructure.

Hire Hackers to Fight Hackers

Cybercriminals can attack the information technology departments of any company that interacts with the public in any capacity, including the treatment of patients, the protection of private information, and the sale of products or services to the public. The question now is, how should an IT director deal with these cyber threats? Employing professional hackers, sometimes known as "ethical hackers" in this context, can assist your company's information technology infrastructure in anticipating and mitigating any security issues.

Professionals with the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) credential are in great demand due to their ability to identify harmful behavior within computer systems. It is an excellent opportunity for those working in IT and information systems management, as well as system administration, technical support engineering, security analysis, and network administration, to grow their careers and improve their abilities.

A Certified Ethical Hacker will safeguard their network using the same methods that illegal hackers and cybercriminals use. Still, there will be no legal implications for them. In another way, it is the equivalent of a narcotics officer going undercover for a few weeks to discover the ins and outs of a criminal organization and how to stop it.

An aspirant to a career in information technology can benefit in the following ways from earning their CEH certification −

l Master the intricacies of various hacking techniques, such as reverse engineering, virus coding, and exploit code.

l Discover the specific steps that hackers take to avoid being detected by intrusion detection systems (IDS), firewalls (FW), honeypots (HUMINT), and wireless networks (WLANs).

l Find vulnerabilities in the system and get familiar with the ins and outs of trojans, backdoors, and protections.

l Using these and other strategies, you can boost your income by 44%.

Mitigating Attacks Like WannaCry

In the wake of attacks such as WannaCry, to what extent can an ethical hacker who has obtained the CEH accreditation aid the IT department? Without a shadow of a doubt, there is no failsafe way; however, if you anticipate and prepare for the methods that hackers might take, you will assist in minimizing the harm. It's feasible that implementing CEH strategies might make it easier to accomplish the following things −

  • The employees of a company might be safeguarded against phishing emails if they are educated about the operation of phishing kits.

  • PowerShell and Hacking SQL are two sophisticated tools that can be utilized to strengthen the protection of Windows PCs.

  • The following line of defense consists of increasing the level of security on web servers such as IIS and Apache.

  • Locate and remove any harmful software running on local devices before it may infect any servers.

  • Find the traces left by hackers and figure out the tactics they employ to conceal their activities.

  • It would help if you protected yourself from assaults using SQL injection.

Earning a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) credential is an excellent first step toward a successful and lucrative career in the information technology industry. Obtaining this certification will put you become a highly sought-after professional, equip you to play a crucial defensive role in an information technology business, and advance your career to higher-paying positions. All of these benefits can be yours if you put in the effort.

Penetrating technique

By employing penetration testing procedures and technological testing devices, security professionals can verify the robustness of a business or organization's security policies. The regulatory submission, employee safety knowledge, and the organization's ability to detect and understand security risks and unauthorized access are tested during a pen test.

By simulating a cyberattack, ethical hacking techniques help security professionals assess how well-established policies and procedures protect an organization's sensitive data. A penetration test aims to find vulnerabilities in a company's computer systems, such as its network infrastructure, website, and users. Finding security holes in a system before hackers do is the ultimate goal.


One of the many possible benefits of ethical hacking for businesses is improving computer and network security by conducting penetration testing and taking preventative measures to forestall security breaches. It is only one of the many potential benefits of ethical hacking. Acquiring your CEH certification through online study is an excellent way to get a career as an ethical hacker.

Because of how the general public views those who work in the field of computer hacking, the term "hacker" nearly always carries a negative connotation in today's society; there are times when one need not feel ashamed of their hacking activities. The history of ethical hacking is lengthy and storied, replete with the pioneering work of brilliant minds throughout its whole. Nevertheless, that is only a portion of the history of where hacking originated.

Updated on: 26-Dec-2022


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