Node.js vs Java

Overview of Node.js vs Java

Java has been a long-standing favorite for programmers worldwide, while Node.js is a relatively new JavaScript runtime environment. This article delves into the differences between Node.js and Java and aims to provide a better understanding of both tools and their respective applications.

While we may never settle the question of which is ultimately better, gaining insight into these powerful tools can help us make informed decisions about where and when to use them.

What Is Node.js?

In 2009, Ryan Dahl created Node.js, a cross-platform JavaScript (JS) runtime environment that enables developers to use JavaScript on the client side as well as the server side.

It enables server-side code execution by allowing JavaScript applications to operate outside a web browser. Node.js is an environment that complements JavaScript rather than being a computer language in and of itself. Developers can create scalable, lightweight scripts rapidly with Node.js, which increases the effectiveness of server-side code execution.

It is a fantastic option for full-stack developers because of its many benefits, including scalability, usability, faster code writing, and an extensive package manager. A huge and ever-growing group of users and contributors exists for Node.js as well.

Node.js is not a good choice for CPU-intensive apps, and its API is prone to frequent updates that could affect stability. Additionally, the support structure for libraries is not as strong as it could be. Despite these drawbacks, Node.js is used for social networking, data analysis, streaming, eCommerce, and online markets by organizations like LinkedIn, Netflix, eBay, and Groupon.


  • Step 1 − The code is used to read a file by the name of Sample.txt.

  • Step 2 − Most other programming languages would only carry out the next line of code after reading the full file.

  • Steo 3 − However, while using Node.js, it is important to pay attention to the function's declaration, which reads "function(error,data)". This function operates differently and is known as a callback function.

  • Step 4 − Other processing can go on at the same time as the file reading operation starts executing in the background.

  • Step 5 − One of Node.js' most notable features, concurrent processing boosts productivity and efficiency.

  • Step 6 − The anonymous function is invoked after the file reading activity is finished.

  • Step 7 − After that, the console log displays the phrase "Say hello to tutorialspoint."

Example 1

This code uses Node.js to read a file named "Sample.txt" asynchronously using a callback function.

var fs = require('fs'); 
      console.log("Say hello to tutorialspoint");


Say hello to tutorialspoint


One of Java's most significant benefits is its cross-platform capability. Any operating system with a functional Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed can execute Java bytecode, created by the Java compiler, and converted from Java source code.

Java is a very flexible language because any Java source code can be run on any device. Java's allure is further increased because it is an object-oriented, class-based language that provides developers with efficiency and reliability.

Java is a popular and versatile programming language with an extensive library that allows it to handle various tasks. It is widely used, making it easy to find resources and developers, and can run on any platform with a JRE installed. Java is also object-oriented, providing developers with reusable and modular code.

However, it has slower performance, consumes CPU time during garbage collection, requires a lot of memory space, and lacks backup facilities. Its GUIs are less visually appealing and complex, and its verbose code can be challenging to read. Nonetheless, Java is used extensively in various industries, including Android apps, finance, big data, social media, and scientific applications.


  • Step 1 − A class called "CodesCracker" is first created in the program. The execution of the program starts with a method inside this class named "main()."

  • Step 2 − Two integer variables, "numberOne" and "numberTwo," are initialised in the "main()" function with the values 10 and 20, respectively.

  • Step 3 − In addition, the integer variable "add" has been declared to store the outcome of an addition operation.

  • Step 4 − The program then combines "numberOne" and "numberTwo" to conduct the addition operation before saving the outcome in the "add" variable.

  • Step 5 − The program employs the System.out.println() method to show the outcome of our addition.

  • Step 6 − The value kept in the "add" variable and the string "Result=" are combined by the System.out.println() function and shown on the output screen. Upon running this program,it outputs the string "Result = 30" since the sum of 10 and 20 is 30.

Example 2

This Java program adds two numbers, and stores the result in a variable.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class CodesCracker{
   public static void main(String[] args){
      int numberOne = 10, numberTwo = 20, add;
      add = numberOne + numberTwo;
      System.out.println("Result = " +add);


Result = 30

Java vs Node.js

Java Node.js
Origin Java is an object-oriented language that was created from C++ and is class-based. Node.js is a framework created with C, C++, and JavaScript.
Type of Application Java is the ideal choice for large, complicated web-based projects requiring high levels of concurrency. Node.js is best suited for smaller projects that demand quick and adaptable server-side performance.
Best Suited For Java is well-suited for highly concurrent applications, messaging, and complex web applications. Node.js is great for running scalable and faster applications, as well as real-time collaborative applications like Google Docs.
Installation Requirements To run Java, you'll need a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. Installing Node.js only requires an archive file installation on the system.
Multi-threading Java uses the concept of multi-threading easily, making it great for handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Because Node.js does not handle threads as effectively as Java, it is best suited for single-threaded applications.
Available Frameworks Some popular Java frameworks include JSF, Spring, Struts, and Tapestry. Node.js has popular frameworks like Express.js, Sails.js, and Partial.js available.
Scope Java is all about server-side interaction and has nothing to do with browsers. Node.js allows developers to utilise it efficiently on either the client or server side, making it more adaptable than Java in several instances.


Java and Node.js each have benefits and disadvantages. Node.js is excellent for smaller projects that need fast, scalable server-side performance, whereas Java is ideal for more complicated, larger, web-based projects that need lots of concurrencies. Developers must choose between them based on the project's requirements and objectives because they have various applications in different industries.

Updated on: 15-May-2023


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