Node.js Alternatives

What is Node.js?

Ryan Dahl developed Node.js in 2009 and its current version is v0.10.36. Node.js is a server-side platform which is developed on the JavaScript Engine of Google Chrome. This is a cross-platform runtime environment which can be used to develop server-side and networking applications. JavaScript is used to create Node.js applications which can be executed on Node.js environment installed on various platforms like OSX, Linux, and Windows.

Cost of Node.js

Node.js is an open-source library and can be used for free. There are many hosting platforms that utilize Node.js. Some of them provide paid services.

Why Node.js Alternatives?

There are many disadvantages of Node.js due to which developers look for alternatives. Some of them are as follows −

  • Node.js is unable to perform and process heavy CPU-bound tasks

  • Node.js systems lack the support of different libraries

  • Node.js relies on callbacks

  • The API of Node.js is unlimited.

How to choose a Node.js Alternative?

Many developers use Node.js but due to some disadvantages, they are bound to look for some alternatives. Here are some of the features of Node.js which you need to know before choosing an alternative −

  • Event-driven and asynchronous

  • All APIs of Node.js are asynchronous. The servers based on Node.js return data but do not wait for an API.

  • Speed

  • Node.js works at a very fast speed. As it is built on the V8 JavaScript engine of Google Chrome

  • Single-threaded

  • Node.js works on a single-threaded model which masks the server as highly scalable.

  • No buffering

  • Applications made through the Node.js do not buffer data

Top 10 Node.js Alternatives

Alternative 1 – Express.js

Express.js is a nOde.js web application framework which can be used for creating web and mobile applications. You can also create APIs through this platform. The combination of Node.js and Express.js can help you in designing the whole website. The server part can be developed in Node.js while and the app can be developed using Express.js.


  • Create robust APIs

  • Develop a full website through the combination of Express.js and Node.js

  • Databases can be easily integrated

Alternative 2 – ASP.NET

ASP.NET is a server-side application framework which can be used to create dynamic applications. Dynamic websites. You will also be able to create data-based and interaction applications using this framework. Several controls like check boxes, option buttons, text boxes, buttons, etc. can be easily added in an application


  • The frame is easy to use so even beginners can use it to create applications

  • Architecture can be easily maintained

  • Code can be managed effectively

  • Easy integration with the websites made using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML

Alternative 3 – Python

Python is a multipurpose programming language in which codes can be written by using predefined packages. The syntax of the language is very simple to understand and write. Python can be used for writing mobile applications, backend applications, data science, etc.


  • Object-oriented

  • Compiled and interpreted

  • Large library having different functions

  • Development costs can be reduced when compared to Node.js

Alternative 4 – Ext.js

Ext.js is a popular JavaScript app framework that can be used for creating interactive web applications. The technology can be used to develop cross-platform applications by using DOM, scripting, Ajax, and DHTML The platform has more than 140 pre-UI components which can be used for developing applications.


  • Cross-browser compatibility

  • Compatible with all browsers

  • Desktop and mobile apps can be developed easily

  • A set of widgets are available to make a strong and simple user interface

  • Productivity of teams can be increased easily

Alternative 5 – Java

Java is an object-oriented programming language developed in 1995. Web and mobile applications can be developed through this language. The technology can also be used for embedded systems and big data technologies.


  • Memory management

  • Multithreading

  • Security

  • Many libraries in comparison to Node.js

Alternative 6 – AngularJS

AngularJS is an open-source technology which can be used to develop mobile and web applications. The apps can be developed and tested by using MVC and MVVM architecture. This is a JavaScript framework which can easily work with third-party libraries by using script tags. Single-page applications can be easily developed with this technology.


  • Widget development can be customized

  • Coding method is simple

  • Plug-and-play components

  • Performance is fast

  • Data binding is two-way

Alternative 7 – Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails was created so that developers can make efficient and fast web pages easily and quickly. Developers can use the platform to make static websites, desktop applications, automation tools, and many more.


  • MVC architecture

  • Reduction in complexity of configuration

  • High productivity

  • Active record library

Alternative 8 – Elixir

Elixir is a dynamic functional language which can be used for creating scalable applications. The platform is compatible with different operating systems like Windows, Linux, and Mac. The platform has effective resource management where simultaneous execution of different processes can be done.


  • Functional with dynamic typing

  • Reliable, scalable, and concurrent

  • Threads are of light wright

  • Syntax is easy

Alternative 9 – Deno

Deno has been developed to improve the problems of Node.js. The platform was created by Ryan Dahl who is also the developer of Node.js. The Deno platform has been developed on the V8 engine of Google Chrome. Deno is compatible with different platforms like Linux, Windows, and Mac


  • The Deno platform is secure by default

  • Package management is decentralized

  • The modules of Deno are written in Typescript language

Alternative 10 – Perl

Perl is a combination of two programming languages which are Perl and Raku. The platform has shell scripting C/C++ interface The language comes with different types of modules that can be accessed globally. The platform can be sued for text manipulation, system administration, web development, GUI development, and many other things.


  • Perl is compatible with different types of operating systems

  • C/C++ library interfacing

  • Unicode support

  • Cross-platform language


Node.js is a popular platform which can be used for writing server-side applications. Because of its performance and reliability of APIs, developers look for alternatives. There are many alternatives to Node.js which can be sued for developing server-side as well as client applications. The alternatives are compatible with different operating systems.

Updated on: 05-Apr-2023


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