Negative Numbers: Connection to Daily Life


Many people find math a difficult subject. You have to ask about the benefits of studying mathematics and the practical application of mathematics. Mathematics is ubiquitous, as is the relationship between the meaning of numbers and everyday life. Mathematics is all about numbers, and numbers can be categorized into different types of numbers, including Integers, real numbers, complex numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and many others.

Negative Numbers

Neither the negative numbers are greater than nor are equal to zero. They are the numbers along with a minus sign or a hyphen (-). On the number line, negative numbers are displayed to the left of the origin (zero) and have values less than zero.

When adding positive numbers to negative numbers, subtract it and use the minus sign of the larger number in the answer. For example,-904 + (900) = -4. The answer is -4 because we are using the negative/minus sign with the larger number.

We can understand this better if we take the help of the number line. According to the number line rule, "To add a positive number, move to the right side of the number line." Apply the rule to -9 + (+5), taking into account the following number line: Starting with -9 and moving the 5 numbers to the right, you get -4.


Integers and negative integers form a set of integers. Examples of integers are -12, -7, -1, 0, 3, 6, 29, and so on.

Note − Zero is considered neither positive nor negative.

Profit and Loss

Banking and financing are all about money, credit and debit. Therefore, we need some numbers that can distinguish between credit and debit amounts. Another example is profit and loss. All of these are mathematically represented by positive and negative integers. If someone charges someone, this is represented by a minus sign. The stock market is another field that often uses negative integers to indicate stock prices and ups and downs.


Mathematically, the discount formula is expressed as:

Discount = List Price – Selling Price

Discount Rate Formula = List Price × Discount Rate

Other basic discount formulas are as follows.

Discount = List Price-Selling Price

List Price = Selling Price + Discount

Solved Examples

1. Weather forecasts show that the temperature in a city has risen from -10 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees Celsius. What is a temperature rise?

Solution: The difference in temperature given represents the temperature rise and can be calculated as 20-(-10) = 30. The temperature rise is 30 degrees Celsius.

2. Nathan finished the first round of the quiz with 200 points. In Round 2 he scored -300 points and in Round 3 he scored 200 points. What was his total score at the end of the third round?

Solution: Nathan's result in Round 1: 200 points

Nathan's result after Round 2: 200 + (-300) =-100points

Nathan's result after Round 3: -100 + 200 = 100 Points

Therefore, Nathan scored 100 points at the end of the third round.

3. Find the leading of the next integer.

  • -9

  • 0

  • -87

  • -23

Solution: Preceding means the number before the specified number. Therefore, if you want to find the specified number of predecessors, subtract 1 from the specified number.

  • -9 ancestors -9 -1 = -10

  • 0 ancestors 0 -1 = -1

  • -87 ancestors -87-1 = -88

  • -ancestors 23 is -23-1 = -2


Real numbers are positive or negative and include 0.

Negative numbers are the opposite of positive numbers and are marked to the left of the number line. These numbers usually indicate low values, lack or reduction of a certain amount.

Integers (positive, negative, or zero) are primarily used to represent sub-zero / sub-zero temperature conditions, ground / underground elevator levels, quiz / game bonuses and penalties, and more.


1.What are the negative numbers in math?

The numbers which are on the left side of the number line and has a negative/minus sign before them are negative numbers. Example: -1,-2,-200 etc.

2.How can we calculate using negative numbers?

Add same sign numbers, and if they have the same sign (two positive or two negative numbers), add the numbers and keep the sign.


$$\mathrm{10 + 11 = 21}$$

$$\mathrm{520 + 300 = 820}$$

Addition: Different sign, subtraction number

When adding positive and negative numbers, subtract the smaller number from the larger number and make it larger. Use the sign from the number of the one.


$$\mathrm{600 + (-500)= 100;}$$

$$\mathrm{ -1700 + 2200 = 500}$$

Subtraction: Switch to addition

To subtract positive and negative numbers, add the opposite numbers or add them in reverse. Means. Change the sign of subtraction to add and change the next sign to the opposite sign. Then follow the steps to add.


-300- (+500) is -300 + (-500) = -800.

900-(-700) is 900 + (+700) = 1600

Multiply and divide: Same sign, positive result

Multiplying and dividing looks more complicated than adding and subtracting, but it's actually much simpler. The rule for multiplying positive and negative numbers with the same sign (two positives or two negatives) is that the product is always positive. Example:

$$\mathrm{800 × 400 = 320000;}$$

$$\mathrm{(-80)× (-40) = 3200}$$

The same rule applies to division. Dividing a number by another number with the same sign gives a positive quotient (answer). Example −

$$\mathrm{120 ÷ 600 = 0.2;}$$

$$\mathrm{-120 ÷ (-6) = 20}$$

Rules for multiplication and division of two positive and negative numbers

Multiplication and division: Opposite sign, negative result

Positive and negative multiplication If negative, the product will always be negative. The order of the characters does not matter.


$$\mathrm{60 × (-7)= -420;}$$

$$\mathrm{-70 × 6 = -420}$$

Same as and different sign for addition and subtraction

Different way of thinking Adding positive and negative numbers is a continuous sign Origin means to add. The two equal signs on the line (++ or-) mean that you are adding numbers, and the two equal signs on the line (+-or-+) are subtracting. Example −

$$\mathrm{70 + (+20) = 90}$$

$$\mathrm{900 + (-800) = 100}$$

3.How do we calculate the sum of the two numbers which are negative?

If we calculate the sum of two negative numbers, then the sum is always a negative number. Example: (-700) + (-806) = -1506

4.What are the applications of negative numbers in real life?

The applications of negative numbers in real life are

  • For measuring temperature

  • For measuring geographic location below sea level

  • In business to calculate profit-loss, discounts

5.How to multiply by a negative number?

There are two basic rules for multiplying negative integers.

  • Rule 1 − If you multiply a negative number by a negative number, the product will always be positive

  • Rule 2 − If you multiply a negative number by a positive number, the product will always be negative.

Updated on: 29-Feb-2024


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