Natural Disasters


Natural disasters are considered as the negative impact of natural hazards that significantly harms the community and nature. It can be measured by the loss of lives and economical damage. The damage depends on the location of the disaster and the infrastructure they have.

The most common example of a natural disaster is earthquakes, droughts, storms, floods, volcanic activity, extreme temperature, landslide, and wildfires. In this world, the biggest natural disaster is known as the 1931’s Yangtze river floods, it was caused because of the excessive rainfall over the central of china.

What are Natural Disasters?

Figure 1: Natural Disasters

Natural disaster can be defined as a catastrophic event that is caused by any kind of natural phenomenon. From floods to tsunamis, hurricanes to earthquakes, everything is an example of a natural disaster. In the word natural disaster, the disaster is referred to as a serious kind of disruption that affects a community and damages its resources. In 1976, the natural disaster was called an inaccurate name.

Nature can be blamed for the disaster, however, in major cases; it is observed that they are a combination of the natural hazards, social and development activities. It is important to understand the major issues that are responsible for the natural disasters. The natural disaster that was happened in 1755s Lisbon earthquake, is considered as the first case of natural disaster. It is the first case that changed the perspective of viewing the natural disaster. This incident made people consider the geophysical phenomenon as the main agent behind the natural disaster.

Impacts of Natural Disasters

Figure 2: Impact of Natural Disaster

Many major impacts of natural disasters can be seen, which can be on the environment or over mankind. However, the impact of natural disaster on the environment can be divided into major categories.

  • In the first case, the destruction of flora and fauna are the environmental consequences. It can change the local hydrological system too.

  • The natural disaster is a significant adverse occurrence that arises from the natural processes of the earth.

  • Other than the environmental damage it causes major damage to the loss of the life or property damage.

  • The wildfires and floods are mainly responsible for the damage to forests and their wildlife.

  • In simple words, the health of the population is directly and indirectly get impacted by the natural disasters.

  • It also affects the animals by habitat impact and can hamper one person's mental and physical wellbeing. Eventually, it can result in chronic and diseases infectious diseases.

Causes of Natural Disasters

The causes can be different but the effects are very dangerous for mankind and the environment.

  • Disasters can be different by the cause of the occurrence. It is important to understand that the case of the earthquake cannot be the same as the wildfire.

  • Naturally, from soil erosion to seismic activity, and air pressure to the ocean current, the cause can be anything.

  • There are manmade causes too, such as mining, deforestation, and the development and manufacturing process, which mainly increase the chances of natural disasters such as floods, erosion etc.

Types of Natural Disasters and their examples

Figure 3: Flood

Natural disaster can be classified into four major categories. They are- geographical disaster, hydrological disaster, meteorological disaster and space disaster.

  • Geological Disaster is those events where it results in a change in the earth. It can happen either on the surface or below the surface. The most common example of this is the earthquake, which occurs when tectonic plates make contact with each other. Or other than that it can be an avalanche, landslides, sinkholes and volcanic eruption.

  • Hydrological Disasters are sudden and violent events of nature that are caused by any kind of change in the quality, distribution, or movement of the water or the atmosphere. The most common example of this disaster is the tsunami. Other than that it can be a flood or limnic eruption.

  • Meteorological Disasters are those that are caused by rain, snow, or drought or by extreme weather conditions. They are majorly destructive to the natural properties and leave a major impact on every living being.

  • Space disaster indicates mainly the solar flares, impact events and airburst events. Every disaster has caused at least one major mass extinction.

  • There is one major type of natural disaster that can damage the entire wildlife, that is forest fires. The most recent example of a forest fire is the fire in Australia, which causes death and destruction to an unimaginable number.


The natural disaster majorly affects humans. However, it affects the whole environmental system, which eventually affects every living being. It is important to understand the cause so, it can be prevented, as one natural disaster can affect not only the lives but the economy.


Q1. What is the main cause of disaster?

Ans. A natural disaster can be caused for many reasons. However, the main reason behind any it can be natural phenomena, that can occur in either earth’s crust or the surface. Disaster can be caused by manmade, natural, or can be technical hazards. Those factors eventually affect and influence the disaster.

Q2. What are the four types of disaster?

Ans. There are four types of disasters, geographical, hydrological, climatological, and meteorological.

Q3. What are the effects of disaster?

Ans. A disaster can cause many impacts, such as physical injury to natural damage. One person can lose their possession, home, and community. It may impact nature too and create permanent damage.

Q4. What happens just after a natural disaster?

Ans. Just after a natural disaster, the locality and community face many difficulties. However, the first thing that can be observed is the community faces a major crisis of food. Peoples in every corner of the world, go hungry because as a result of the disaster crops and agriculture gets destroyed.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2023


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