My wife is struggling to fulfill her dreams post marriage, how can I support her?

Marriage is a solemn affair and it is the cooperation of both husband and wife which makes the journey of life go smooth. There are times when your wife may struggle to fulfil her dreams, but her efforts will be futile if you would not be able to support her effectively. The suggestions below might help you in sorting out the issues she is facing.


Talk about what are her interests apart from doing the household chores. Is she happy in her current state or she aspires to become like someone? No matter how old your relationship gets, it is very necessary to converse and only then you will be able to help her accordingly.

Find Relevant Opportunities

Suppose your wife wants to study further, but not in a regular course. You should search for some part-time course for her. Similarly, if your wife wishes to earn as much as you do without letting the family get affected, search some freelancing or contractual work for her.

Motivate Her

You may start searching opportunities for her if you find her self-motivated. But in case, she herself is under confident of her own capabilities, you should motivate her and boost her confidence.

Help Her

In case your wife is already working and is now planning to leave the job simply because she is unable to balance work and family life, you should possibly help her looking for opportunities through various sources.

Updated on: 09-May-2022


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